Things I've Learned Thursday
1) Sam, my shih tzu with one eye can SEE! After a trip to the vet, we were told that his eye is retracting from the light enough for the nerves to send signals to the brain. Although we don't know how much he can see, he can SEE!!
2) After watching the documentary, Food, Inc. I can honestly say that I'm going to shop more at Trader Joe's and Fresh and Easy. I won't become a vegetarian but I will have more veggie oriented meals.
3) I'm getting so tired of food recalls. Lettuce??? Eventually, the only safe thing to eat will be food grown here at home.
4) Summer is here when out comes the pool for Humble to play in. It also signals that the tile floors will be difficult to keep clean for the next 4 months.
5) I never thought I'd say this but I'm burned out on grits. When I ask Boo what he'd like for me to fix to eat, it never fails, he says, "Grits". So sad too...I used to love grits.
6) I'm really loving people with accents, although I still am accent challenged. Be it a foreign accent a Southern or Bostonian accent...I find myself practicing how to say certain words.
7) Naked to a three year means Daddy having his shirt off. Boo put Baby Boo in her car seat with his shirt off. She says, "Daddy, why you naked? You not 'pose to be naked outside."
8) I must have no sense of humor because I have yet to laugh at Geico's tv commercials. They just aren't funny.
9) I wish I could be a kid for just 15 minutes. I'm in need of having a tantrum. You know the you want to jump and down, scream, roll on the floor, yell and cry and then pound your fists on the floor until you get your way??? I just need a good ol' tantrum.
10) After listening to a recent interview on tape with an author, I realize that I always say, "Buh bye" before I hang up? I think I'm getting an accent.
What have you learned?
2) After watching the documentary, Food, Inc. I can honestly say that I'm going to shop more at Trader Joe's and Fresh and Easy. I won't become a vegetarian but I will have more veggie oriented meals.
3) I'm getting so tired of food recalls. Lettuce??? Eventually, the only safe thing to eat will be food grown here at home.
4) Summer is here when out comes the pool for Humble to play in. It also signals that the tile floors will be difficult to keep clean for the next 4 months.
5) I never thought I'd say this but I'm burned out on grits. When I ask Boo what he'd like for me to fix to eat, it never fails, he says, "Grits". So sad too...I used to love grits.
6) I'm really loving people with accents, although I still am accent challenged. Be it a foreign accent a Southern or Bostonian accent...I find myself practicing how to say certain words.
7) Naked to a three year means Daddy having his shirt off. Boo put Baby Boo in her car seat with his shirt off. She says, "Daddy, why you naked? You not 'pose to be naked outside."
8) I must have no sense of humor because I have yet to laugh at Geico's tv commercials. They just aren't funny.
9) I wish I could be a kid for just 15 minutes. I'm in need of having a tantrum. You know the you want to jump and down, scream, roll on the floor, yell and cry and then pound your fists on the floor until you get your way??? I just need a good ol' tantrum.
10) After listening to a recent interview on tape with an author, I realize that I always say, "Buh bye" before I hang up? I think I'm getting an accent.
What have you learned?
You have a super great day sweetie!!!
I just love listening to her talk.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I just wish I had more backyard to grow my own cause nothing tastes better!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
When the only safe food is the food grown at home...I will be doomed. I can grow a lot of things, but a garden doesn't seem to be one of them. I get it going great and then every time, it's like hitting a wall and everything starts dying off. :P
Happy to hear your little doggie can see!
I am keeping updates on Sherry @ my blog ~ you may wish to pop in for a visit.
Have a lovely weekend.
TTFN ~Marydon
I have learned that it's hard to let others take care of you when you are used to taking care of yourself and those around you.
I have learned that just when I think my two year old is worried about my health, she really just wants to steal my bed sheets, crackers and applesauce! :)
I have learned that although I feel like mostly dog crap from surgery right now, it will get better and I'm still very lucky!
No fair!
Have a nice day, Simone!
I love the fact that you take the time and reflect on the things God teaches us.
After 10 years of not sleeping thru the night I no longer dread going to bed!
Peace, Love and Chocolate
LOVE the fact that you never laugh at Geico commercials. I have said a million times that I don't think they are funny either...
Glad the puppy can see out of at least one eye : )