
Showing posts from October, 2010

Things I've Learned Thursday

1) Just because it's not raining when I go into the grocery store doesn't mean that it won't be pouring when I come out. 2) I love it when God surprises me with something right in front of my face. I was in my car in the library parking lot, ready to back out when I stopped and looked, REALLY LOOKED at my surroundings. I was surrounded by gorgeous trees with brilliant red leaves. I just sat with my mouth open in awe. I was like a kid in a candy store. Never have I really had the joy of experiencing something so beautiful in California. 3) Jolly Joes, the candy that I used to eat when I was a kid, still tastes like dirt! 4) There was so much more I wanted to say in the post, "Can't Take Away My Memories" but couldn't for fear of crying as I wrote it. Let's just suffice it to say that there are some things that will never again be the same. 5) On one hand, I save when I use coupons but on the other hand, I buy stuff that I normally wouldn't buy just ...

Can't Take Away the Memories

Lately, I've seen my life in pictures - like a slide show running behind my eyes. I've seen my oldest daughter, Married Boo, when she was 1 year old, carrying a cd cover of Whitney Houston around as if it were her security blanket. She would fall apart if it wasn't packed in her diaper bag. I've seen youngest, Single Boo, discovering "Santa Claus has been here" and saying it over and over again while shaking with excitement. I've seen the first time that my twin sister and I competed in a Most Alike contest at the county fair and won third place. I've seen Baby Boo sucking on her fingers as I held her for the first time. Then, her clomping around in Single Boo's shoes, trying to mimic her every move. I've seen the fear on my face then a smile, when I realized that I was talking before a church audience and they actually were enjoying listening to me speak. I've seen the fun of throwing snow balls on the roof with Single Boo and I and loving...

Things I've Learned Thursday

Wow, it's been a learning week, I tell you! 1) Salt on a wound really DOES stop the bleeding. I thought I was going to have to take a trip to the ER after slicing my thumb really deep. It bled (more like dripped) for an hour until I called Dr. Dad and he said one word, "Salt". I poured salt on it and within a minute, it had stopped. 2) Singing silly songs that I called Doodee Doos, puts a kitty to sleep in a catatonic (pun intended)like state. 3) Dark chocolate covered caramels from Trader Joe's are my new favorite love. What a combination! 4) I dreamed of a passionate kiss between someone unknown (to me at least) and I. Should I put up a Wanted billboard in hopes of finding him. I think he was my soul mate. Too bad I woke up. 5) I still follow the 5 second rule and kiss it up to God ONLY when I'm at home and whatever it is that I drop is REALLY worth it. 6) When I get a really nice thank you card from someone, it makes me want to send them a thank you card in ret...

Guest Posting on Things I've Learned Parent Style

I've been invited to be a guest blogger at Mandy's Life After 30 . The topic is on parenting and although I'm not an expert, I was flattered that Mandy asked if I'd talk a bit about my life as a mom. My daughters aren't little anymore but the memories of when they were little still live on. Also, don't let this be your only visit to Mandy's blog . She is one of the most adventurous, creative mommies I know. (Not to mention that her and Kirk are such a cute couple and their baby girl, Vivian is one little one that I totally would love to spend a day with. She's adorable! See you there!

Imagination Gone Wild

I thought that as I got older, my imagination would be still, quiet and less, um, wild. It's gotten worse! True, I no longer worry about sleeping with my foot out of the blankets for fear that the devil is going to reach from hell and snatch me in. But, case in point...the neighbors across the street. I seriously think they are up to something and I think that that "something" is illegal. The house is covered in curtains that are always drawn and one of the windows is boarded up. No one literally lives at the house but when they (two men) do go to the house, they will bring a horse trailer and park it clear up to the front door. Moments later, the guys start loading big, unmarked boxes into the truck. They drive off. A few nights later, I look out my window to see that there's been a "drop off" of huge retail ice maker. (The kind that you see at large grocery stores.) It's now in the front yard, by the door. (I think there's more than likely a body i...

Things I've Learned Thursday - Even though it's Friday

1) Having a kitten and two dogs in the house is the greatest cheap entertainment. I have one that thinks that the kitty is her long lost baby and the other that thinks that the kitty is his long lost squeak toy. 2) There was a reason my mom used to tell me to "look with my eyes" and "don't touch". Yes, the loud loud sound of something being dropped at the store was me. 3) The next time I decide to eat a green chile bagel, I need to examine why the bagel has lots and lots of green. I can't believe I ate a moldy bagel without realizing it until it was all gone. (I feel sick just thinking about it.) 4) Being unemployed has had me more emotional than I've ever been. I hung up the phone after talking to a magazine representative that is outsourced in India. Not only could I not understand a word he was saying, he couldn't understand a word I was saying. He just kept repeating the script in front of him. There are too many Americans in need of a job and th...

I'm Versatile

According to Webster's this describes me to a T: –adjective 1. capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer. I swear I didn't bribe Ethel Mae to give me such a prestigious award but I do accept it graciously. With accepting this award, I must list 8 things that you, my dear readers, may not know about me and then pass this along to 10 more bloggers. Ethel Mae doesn't know that I am not good at choosing bloggers for awards so I'm going to pretend that the award is up for grabs for anyone who wants it. Without further adieu (what in the heck does that really mean?) here's a list of my 8 things... 1) I say grace at every meal, including snacks and I take it seriously. I saw a movie where kids in Africa were eating rice out of a communal bowl and I realized then, how thankful I should be that I have apples and peanut butter to eat and chips and animal crackers. So for that, I give thanks. 2...

Yes You Can

Do you remember those art school tests that were often found in magazines? When I was younger, I dreamed of going to art school. I thought that if I sent in my drawing, someone would take one look at it and say, "You are going to be famous one day!" I practiced drawing the duck, the mouse, and the cat until I perfected them enough to one day send them in. My mom changed my thought process the day she told me that it was all a scam to get people interested in paying money to take art classes. She also said that they would tell anyone that they were good just so that they could make money off of them. In that short amount of time, I began to reconsider whether I really did have "it"...the ability and talent to draw. My mother reminded me that my older sister was the artist in the family and she was encouraged to take art classes. I longed to take art too but instead, I took typing and photography and sewing and creative writing. Secretly though, I would go in my room ...

Things I've Learned Thursday

1) Things go better with bacon. This is a Maple Bacon Bar that is beyond delicious! 2) Even though I'm a dog person, there's nothing like having a new grand kitty too. Here she is (finally figured out that kitty was a she - thank God for online instructions on identifying). 3) I'm very brave in my dreams. I woke up after I beat up my comforter to a pulp. I won! 4) Nothing stands in the way of Thursday night, Grey's Anatomy and my twin sis and I watching it together by phone. We call each other every commercial and then, after we see next week's preview. It's the next best thing to being there! 5) I live 30 minutes away from Washington so it's a strange feeling to drive to a different state in a matter of minutes. 6) I forgot how much of a comfort painting is until I completed a picture last week. It was such a great feeling. I sent it to someone as a surprise. I'm hoping she likes it. 7) October is National Book month and National Cookie month. Are you t...


I grew up with parents who were resourceful in making ends meet. I didn't see us as being poor because they made sure that we had what we needed, but not always what we wanted. I used to be envious of my classmates who's mom's packed their lunch pails with what my mom always exclaimed as "expensive". Sometimes, it wasn't that the cereal was expensive as much as it was "filled with sugar". Other times, my mom wanted us to eat a balanced lunch and not just fill up on "junk". That meant, fruit, a sandwich and chips and a the dreaded scooter pie. My sister and I were in the same class in elementary school and we played together and made other friends to join our "club" (because, there was always a boys chase the girls club or best friends club, etc.) The new girl, Angela was so shy and quiet that she was often passed by or sat by herself at lunchtime. The lunch pails would open and of course the kids would yell, "I'll trade y...