Losing Friends
I never imagined that when my marriage died, that some of my friendships would also. I just automatically assumed that the friends that I cherished would still be there, no matter what. Unfortunately, when I moved away from what I knew well, to a different city, I left my friends, my church home, my familiar shopping places and library and thrift store hangouts, my Bible study group, my house where my daughters grew up and my neighbors but most of all, friends. That's the part that hurts the most....leaving behind what I once knew. My familiar. I love the city that I live now. It's beautiful but I have no friends to call or to hang out with or to go walking with before the sun goes down. I don't have anyone that I can trade books with or recipes or stop by the house just to show her the bargains that I got or the books that I found. True, Boo is wonderful but he's not my girl friends...the ones that humor me, laugh with me, cry with me, get me. He's my sweetheart, m...