
Showing posts from July, 2009

It's been one of those days!

I should've known it was going to be one of those days when I walked outside barefooted in 117 degree heat and came back inside with second degree burns. I should've known it was going to be one of those days when I plugged in the hand mixer instead of the iron. I should've known it was going to be one of those days when the dog, Humble spit all over my leg. Gross but at least it wasn't pee. I should've known it was going to be one of those days when I attempted to pull up a pair of capris and either they shrunk or my butt grew overnight. I should've known it was going to be one of those days when I ran into a spider web and freaked out for 20 minutes that some huge spider was crawling around in my hair. I should've known it was going to be one of those days when I put makeup on and forgot to cover up my halfbrow. I can't believe I walked out the door like that! I should've known it was going to be one of those days when my dog, Sam farted and permea...

Things I Learned Thursday

I'm thrilled!! I have 100 followers! Thank you so much for keeping in touch and reading my blog. It means lots. Stay tuned....three giveaways are coming. One will be here for CCD, the other will be for the new children's book blog and the other, On Being. Speaking of On Being, the format is changing. I will be using that blog to interview you..all of you interesting blog pallies. If you'd like to be interviewed by moi', please drop me an email. You have to be willing to be put on the hot seat some what but know too, that if you don't want to answer a question, you can always say, "I decline to answer that one!" Okay...on to Things I Learned Thursday... 1) Never let a two year old comb my hair. Can we say, OUCH???? 2) I'm now convinced that the IRS should be known as the Internal Rectal System. Seriously!!! 3) I'm convinced that smoking is good for your health if you're willing to give up the nicotine and try my new smoke invention...Lucky Smoke...

Blogger Meet up in Southern California...other random thoughts

I'm green with envy (I know, not a good trait to have) that those of you that went to BlogHer had such a wonderful time. It's not that I wanted to necessarily go to BlogHer, although I'm sure it would've been fun but having a chance to be in a smaller setting of some wonderful bloggy pals sounds like the coolest!! If you are game, let me know and we can pin down a date, a place and let the fun begin! Even if you're a lurker, de-lurk and send me an email. ********************************************************************************* I've got to admit a few things just to get them off my chest... 1) I'm missing half an eyebrow. (If you don't ask, I won't tell.) 2) I've got the worse case of yucky, crusty feeling feet! I hate the summer time just cause I hate crusty feet! 3) If I could get by with it, I'd have a bowl of ice cream for breakfast ... Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey or New York Super Fudge Chunk. 4) I am reading 4 books at the ...

Is Jesus Black?

I read a blog post from someone who I can't seem to remember where I found them and from who's blog that it was linked so I apologize if I'm repeating something incorrectly. But, in the post, she talked about how Black girls have always had problems identifying with being princesses because every princess in every fairy tale is usually white. (Yes, I do know that the Frog Prince is coming out and there will be (finally) a Black princess in the movie). I thought about how one of my daughters walked around with a yellow towel on her head for "hair" and how she'd point to little girls that were white and say, "I wish I was pretty like her." Flash back to when I was her age, I also felt the same way. Then, entering into my teens, I pined after boys that were usually non-Black with hopes that they would "crush" on me, but it never happened. The ones that they went for were not Black girls. Even in church, there were always pictures of Jesus hav...

Bitten and taking the bite...Twitter

I know I've grumbled and said that I was SO over Facebook and I am BUT I still have an account and more than likely, I'll keep it because, I'm nosy like that. The nosiness struck again and I've now been bitten by Twitter. I have NO IDEA what a Twitter is so if I've added you as a follower bear with me for being a bit on the dense side. The good thing is that I'm learning much about social networking while looking to get out of my unemployed status as well as making publishing contacts. In the meantime, I get the scoop on who is having what for dinner and stuff like that! I've also been invited, no, coerced into having a Farmville. Sorry guys, as fun as it sounds, I can't and won't put on my overalls. I don't need one more thing distracting me from getting my bottom up and moving! Are you a part of a social network and if so, why and which one?

It's our birthday...time to celebrate!!! **UPDATED**

Today is officially the birthday of all birthdays! I had posted last night and didn't realize that the date would still be the 23rd instead of the 24th. Thank you for all the well wishes!! I am indecisive on posting a sappy, teary type of birthday wish or one that is filled with humor so I'll do both. First off, I've got to say a happy birthday to my twin sister. Obviously, if it's her birthday, it's mine too. She is the ONLY one I can call and say, "Happy Birthday" and she repeats, "Yeah, happy birthday to you too!" Seriously!! My twin sister, Twin Boo has been the greatest gift since the egg split and we were developed and shared one placenta. She has been my womb mate, my room mate and hopefully, when we are 330 years old, my tomb mate! Twin Boo, this blog post if for you! I really tear up when I look back at all of the times we've shared together. Forty six really isn't that old at all....we've got plenty of years left in us...

He may not be cultured but he's worth a million!

I don't exaggerate when I say that Sam has put at least 15 veterinarian's children in college. He has cost me a fortune in vet bills. From the time he was born, he had a walking accident sign on his back and he continues to have one. Today's visit to the vet was due to a blister type hematoma on his ear. I decided to try a different vet who may have mercy on my job situation and charge less...not! Sam acted like a good boy. He sat on my lap while waiting his turn. While waiting Mrs. Ritzy Snob comes out with her mini schnauzer, Bridgette. Bridgette wags her tail and jumps on me to greet Sam. Mrs. Ritzy Snob turns her nose up at Sam and says, "Get away from him, Bridgette. He's got eye!" Sam wagged his tail and Bridgette ignored her "mommy". She continued to pull Bridgette away from Sam. Two others stand in line at the counter and she announces to them, "He's got one eye!" No duh! (She didn't say it in a "poor baby" sorta w...

A Visit from the Pastor

The last few days have been spent trying to get used to this thing called "laid off". Actually, I'm not laid off, I'm laid out....out without a job. Laid off is when a person is going to be called back. Laid out is when a person is up a creek without even the Seven Dwarfs to help row the boat ashore. So, in spite of the unemployed bum that I've suddenly become (not really but exaggerating for blogger sake) I've enjoyed a couple of days with just Boo and I. We've run errands, smooched in the middle of the grocery store, the Jiffy Lube and almost groped each other in the produce section. (I said, "almost".) Today, we got home and in 117 degree heat, you strip the moment you walk in the door. Thank God we have plenty of hedges so there's privacy everywhere. I'm wearing booty shorts (more booty than shorts) and a t shirt (still had the bra on but barely). There's a knock on the door. I'm racing to get Sam, the shih tzu aka the Biter. ...

Grandpa said S%$#T!!

My grandpa turned 100 yesterday. He lives in Oklahoma and it's been years since I've seen him. It's not that I haven't thought about Grandpa but traveling to that area hasn't been on a to do list at this point. I decided to give him a call - at the nursing home where he lives. According to my dad (his son) Grandpa is pretty sharp, loves sports but can be hard to understand. Not a problem, I was willing to turn up the phone volume if necessary. Thing is, he doesn't answer his phone so I called the nurse's front desk and she forewarned him that I'd be calling, so he answered the phone. Grandpa: Hellooo?? Me: Grandpa, it's me, Chanice. CLICK Grandpa hung up on me! I waited two minutes and called back. Grandpa: Hello? Me: Hi Grandpa! Grandpa: Sh--t! Me: Uhh, Grandpa (stuttering cause he said the S word quite clearly.) Grandpa: (interrupting) I don't know you! Me: Yes you do Grandpa! I'm one of the twins. Grandpa: I don't know you. Lookee here...

Soon to be 46 year old...seeking employment

There ya have it! The official word was, "I'm so very sorry, but we've decided that it was in the best interest (whose????) to downsize certain postions and yours was chosen (Yay for me!!!) I didn't want to give him the benefit of seeing me shed tears but a few leaked out before I was out the door. I am the type of person that either loves my job or hates my job. I loved my job and the people I worked with. We were a family. My boss was THE greatest boss I've ever worked for. I've got quite a few skills...but it all depends on whether there's a demand for those skills (no, humming old commercials won't qualify as a job skill). Thanks for everyone's good wishes, prayers, concern, encouragement. It meant more to me than you'll ever know. I will hold my head up because I have friends like you all! If any of you are in the Southern California area and have word on any job leads...please let me know! PS -- You can expect me to still blog because some...

Things I Learned Thursday

1) I'm an aunt again - I have 14 of the cutest nieces and nephews …yes, I said 14. If you want to see them all, click here. Momo loves you all - kisses! 2) I'm a Grammy again. TV Boo and Boyfriend Boo have welcomed an adorable "no name yet" kitty into the family. She's is freakin' adorable!! 3) If you want to see live fireworks in your kitchen, baste your ham with 120 proof rum. Stick it in the oven and stand clear. 4) I am so loving this Korean Gospel choir . They've got some soul going on, that's for sure! 5) Cockroaches know how to play dead really well. With all the big cockroaches here in the desert, I'm considering going into business and breeding purebred AKC cockroaches (with papers). Let me know if you're interested in one. I'll give you a deal! ;) 6) I feel like every time I come into work, I'm on the reality show, The Apprentice. I just hope the Donald doesn't tell me, "You're fired" tomorrow. 7) I love wa...

Featured Blogger - Interview

Angel so graciously interviewed me and I didn't have to pay her a single cent or bribe! :) Please go and check out the interview and tell her that I sent you. You can find Angel here:

Licking a 9 volt battery

That's the only description I can give at the moment for what it feels like here at the job. The CEO has determined that the walking or staying paper....whichever one I get, will be given on Friday. I don't think my stomach or my heart or brain can take much more of this! I couldn't help eyes started to water and then I got angry. I don't normally get angry so for me to get angry means that when I blow up, I let it all out. Trust me, it took me going outside in 115 degree heat just to cool off. I would never, ever put my staff through such emotional upheaval. It's just not in me to cause more pain than I have to. So, I'm going to go find a 9 volt battery, and stick my tongue on it as a reminder that pain doesn't last always. Before long, it will all be just a memory.

Still the meantime...

I'm playing a game of tag. Tooj has tagged me with a list of 8's. I decided to play along as I wait in suspense on when a decision has been made on my job status. Here goes... 8 Things I'm Looking Forward To: 1. A decision on whether I have a job or not 2. My birthday - July 24th 3. Getting blinds up on all of the windows at my house 4. my (and my twin sister's) children's book being published 5. Baby Boo being potty trained 6. Being back in Boo's arms when I come home from work 7. Our wedding day AND having a new last name 8. Seeing my parents in North Carolina 8 Things I Did Yesterday: 1. squealed with laughter when Boo stepped on a cockroach and it was revived 4 times. 2. checked underneath the bed 10 times when the presumed dead cockroach ran under it. 3. cooked dinner and relaxed with a glass of wine 4. planned the writers blog for our children's book 5. talked on the phone to a good friend from the old neighborhood 6. fed the kitties at the job 7. remi...

Moving on

I've been "told" not to discuss things dealing with my ex and his wife, any further. I was also told not to have any communication with him and he with me. This being told by an unnamed party but one that you can read between the lines. I have a problem with this. This is my blog and I refuse to allow someone to dictate what I should say and not say on my blog. I have never written any untruths but maybe the truth is a hurtful thing? I've also not purposely mentioned names for that very reason, to provide privacy for those people who wish to remain nameless. So, here on out, I will not talk about the ex having an affair with the person that he is now married to. I will not write about the fact that she is attempting to dictate her wishes yet, isn't woman enough to speak English to me to express her views. I will not talk about how she claims that I'm causing problems in their marriage by blogging, when the problems existed the moment they hooked up. I will not...

Giving back the soil - butt naked

I don't know why this memory crossed my mind but it did. Years ago, when I was still dating my ex, we were hanging out at his parents house. A homeless guy came up the driveway and asked if he could have a drink from the water hose. I went inside, as dude started to drink from the hose. Minutes later, the hose was still on. I figured he must've really been thirsty! Not! Dude had stripped completely in the front yard and was running the hose over his body. My ex said, "Dude, what are you doing?" I will never forget his response...he said, "I'm giving back the soil." I mean, homeless and strung out and he was going green...way back when! Imagine that! My ex told him that he had to get his clothes on. Dude asked to use the, the ex let him in the house. I was freaked out by then. Dude was in the bathroom for at least 10 minutes and the ex knocked on the door. "Hey, are you okay in there?" He opens the door, still naked and has a razo...

Things I Learned Thursday

According to the CEO of the company that I work for the big "Reduction in Force" day is scheduled for Tuesday. So as a result of that I've learned: 1) That being at work is like being on the reality show, Survivor. Everyone is pointing fingers at who will be voted off the "island". Folks are throwing up and can't eat or think straight while those that have immunity are laughing their fool heads off. 2) It takes less time to take something apart than it does to put it back together again. Note to self, "Remember which key goes where when you take the keys of your keyboard off." 3) I could sure use a Wonka Bar and a golden ticket right about now! 4) Some friendships are better left in the past. 5) Writing and playing the piano and drawing is like food for my soul. 6) If a puppy has to choose between chewing on his toy or the baseboards in the house, guess which one he chooses? 7) I only switch to using slang (words like ain't, cuz and gonna) when...

Surprise Me's

When my twin sister and I were little, we were skinny…very skinny. In fact, we were called names like, "skinny twinnies" and "twigs". I hated my ankles and my skinny wrists (later, discovered that that was a trademark of my dad's side of the family). The funny thing was that we loved to eat - snack, especially. When we were about 8 years old, we'd have what we called, "surprise me's". Surprise Me's were all day affairs where one of us went into the kitchen and invented (created) a recipe from scratch for the other to taste. The ingredients were whatever we could find. For instance, hot sauce, mayo and ketchup with strips of bologna was one Surprise Me. Another would be chocolate chips, with apples, with peanut butter and crumbled graham crackers. There were some pretty nasty Surprise Me's as well. When we had experienced the Surprise Me, then it was the other's turn to go into the kitchen. One time, being desperate for ice cream and...

What's in a name?

I have quite a few theories on things…some totally offbeat but yet, some I've hit paydirt. Like the theory that some babies being carried upside down see and read better when things are upside down instead of right side up. To prove that theory, I created my own curriculum to work with special needs and lower learning students. I tutored a handful of kids using my own "twisted" theory and wow! The results were amazing. I taught drawing and sketching to at risk students using the same method and so many of them were shocked that they could draw when they all along thought they couldn't. But that isn't what this blog post is about. It's about another theory. Have you ever stopped and considered that what a child's name is somewhat fits or places certain personality traits in them? For instance, I was owner of a daycare and preschool. I saw many Joshuas and Jasons come into the daycare. Their personalities were very much the same. They were mischievious and h...

Going to the chapel and we're going to get….

MARRIED! Yes, October 25th is the big day unless Boo decides to change the date, one more time. I've already told him that I expect to see him on that day, dressed and ready to go and not sitting in his underwear, watching football. I'm excited because with my first marriage, we eloped in Las Vegas so to have a "real" ceremony is going to be fun. But, I had to meet Boo halfway so we decided to have a very small outdoor wedding for immediate families. That way, it would be more cost efficient as well. As much as I thought of having something lavish, with the economy being what it is, it's just not the time. So, the planning begins and I don't have a clue where to start. There is a gazebo with a beautiful fountain at the civic center close by our house so I'm shooting for the ceremony to take place there. I'm looking for a place to have the reception. The Cupcake Lady is doing our cake. I've got to get going on colors, dresses, flowers, etc. I need i...

I'm a Blogger and I'll Blog if I want to, Blog if I want to, Blog...

I interrupt this song for a special shout out to a lurker that hasn't introduced herself. The message is strictly aimed at her so ahem...excuse me for a minute. Estimada Mujer de mi Ex marido, (Usted sabe quién usted es). Estoy enterado que usted lee mi blog. Yo no tengo problema con que siempre que usted se dé cuenta de que cuando blogueo, hablo de material que es la verdad y si la verdad duele, ah bien. Yo no he mencionado su nombre ni mi ex nombre. Lo único que muestra es mi imagen y yo puedo ser cualquiera de dondequiera. Usted tomó lo que no perteneció a usted. Usted se separó una familia. Usted destruyó un casamiento. Sí, usted tuvo ayuda pero si le molesta que blogueo, yo no le puedo ayudar allí. Aquí en EEUU nosotros tenemos lo que es llamado libertad de expresión y yo ejercito ese derecho de hablar. Si usted encuentra que es dañoso leer que su marido tuvo una vez una vida feliz antes que usted entrara en ello, eso también no es mi problema. Es la verdad. Yo no tengo proble...

Things I Learned Thursday

1) Planning even a small wedding is going to be a bigger undertaking when we are both different types of thinkers. For example, reception menu - Boo - a mixture of In N Out Burger, Vietnemese, Soul Food and Mexican food combined. Me - Simple - keep it on a theme but a non-multicultural theme. ***He's just kidding (I hope) about the In N Out burgers. 2) There's so much that can be learned from my kids. They know the coolest music artists and songs, how to send text messages, sync the ipod, the most fashionable fashions and how to apply makeup correctly, changing blog layouts and most of all, how to love me for me. 3) After being curious (thanks to Sandi) about Lady Gaga's Poker Face, I now have the song stuck in my head. 4) I will give anyone the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong. Case in point, Humble, our 4 1/2 month old brute of a dog ate a plant, shredded a box, went swimming in his water dish and ate the patio sofa cushions. My defense for him was that he was bore...