Natural born talent
I am in awe of beautiful performances and I've seen many but was wowed to tears as I watched Kim Yu-na compete in the Olympics in figure skating. One of the sportscasters said, "She has a gift, it's engrained in her, a natural born talent." I couldn't have said it better. There are athletes, dancers, artists, singers, firemen and firewomen, nurses, doctors, engineers, actors and more...that have to be taught to be as good as they are but then there are those that are gifted and talented beyond any explanation. Kim Yu-Na falls into this category. Not only was she raised in poverty but with the money that she has earned from sponsors, donated over $100,00.00 to Unicef. So, combine that with a natural gift and a giving heart, she is one awesome young lady. I believe that everyone is born with a gift. Some are obvious and then, others are often thrust upon us to discover when we least expect it. What we do with that gift is totally up to us. TV Boo was three years old...