
Showing posts from February, 2010

Natural born talent

I am in awe of beautiful performances and I've seen many but was wowed to tears as I watched Kim Yu-na compete in the Olympics in figure skating. One of the sportscasters said, "She has a gift, it's engrained in her, a natural born talent." I couldn't have said it better. There are athletes, dancers, artists, singers, firemen and firewomen, nurses, doctors, engineers, actors and more...that have to be taught to be as good as they are but then there are those that are gifted and talented beyond any explanation. Kim Yu-Na falls into this category. Not only was she raised in poverty but with the money that she has earned from sponsors, donated over $100,00.00 to Unicef. So, combine that with a natural gift and a giving heart, she is one awesome young lady. I believe that everyone is born with a gift. Some are obvious and then, others are often thrust upon us to discover when we least expect it. What we do with that gift is totally up to us. TV Boo was three years old...

Creative Saturday

Have you ever had inspiration hit when you were in a place that you didn't expect? Well...I found inspiration while sitting on the potty. Yeah, that's funny but true. There are textured walls in our house and if you look hard enough, you'll find that in the midst of the textures, you can see pictures begin to unfold. (Something close to the ink blot pictures that are used in psychiatrists offices.) This isn't my actual textured wall photo but even looking at this picture, I see a dove and a silhouette of a father and son fishing. I don't expect you to see what I see but it's there. In fact, you may see something even more phenomenal than that. I've also discovered that by people watching, there lies many stories waiting to unfold. The other night, for instance, I was in line waiting for a jazz concert to start and I saw so many interesting characters. I saw a couple both in motorized wheelchairs...elderly, obviously in love. It gave me a chance to tuck away ...

My Answers to Some Great Questions

FYI - A year ago, I did a few posts on being Black and here they are in case you want to take a peek. I love being open and honest. It's what I do best! :) Thanks for all of your wonderful questions....guaranteed, I'll give you a straightforward answer. Also, the door is always open if you ever have any more questions you'd like to ask. You said "anything" - How/Where did you meet Boo? ****Boo and I met on an online dating site, I had decided that one more and then I was done kissing frogs and if I didn't meet my prince, then, oh well...and viola', sight unseen, we began talking via email. I loved the way he rememb...

Ask Me Anything and I'll Do My Very Best...

to answer. Almost a year ago, I did a blog post on Being Black. It was great being able to answer any questions and as I said then, there are no stupid questions. I am now opening the blog up to questions...any of can be if I have a cure for toenail fungus (which I don't unless you want to try maybe Listerine) or even doggie behavior issues, relationship questions or even the "what's it like to be Black" kind of questions. On my next blog, I will answer all questions. By the way, I survived Baby Boo but not before I was ready to dive under the shopping cart today as she pointed to a man's shopping cart and asked, "why he buying that for?" pointing to a toilet plunger. Then, she pointed to a lady and asked the same thing, "Is that soda? (Vodka) Then, "Why she buy that?" I replied, "Because she probably needs it." She obviously has inherited her dad's tastebuds and prefers to eat her green beans with barbecue sauce to...

Two Year Olds Tell All of Your Business

I'm worn out! This is one weekend that was neverending. Baby Boo has been here since Sunday and will go home on Tuesday but for some reason, it isn't getting easier. It's getting harder. Maybe I'm just plain ol' old? Here's a conversation that her and I had today. Baby Boo: I see your boobs. Me: No you don't. I have my shirt on so you can't see them. Baby Boo: I have boobs. Wanna see my boobs? Boo about turned blue from the thought of her lifting up her shirt to proudly "show" her boobs. ****************** Baby Boo: Momo, I a girl. Me: Yeah, I know. I'm a girl too. Baby Boo: No you not. You Momo. ****************** Baby Boo: I have goats. (Her mom just moved into a new house and they have 5 goats.) Me: Wow! What do your goats eat? Baby Boo: They eat bacon. Now, I'm not sure about this but she insists that that's what they eat...bacon. ************** Baby Boo: I hate my baby. (Holding her doll.) Me: Why? Hating isn't nice. Why do...

We All Have Scars

***Note: If you are not able to look at anything graphic, you may not want to read further. The following post contains graphics of scars that may be upsetting or visual to some. These are not pictures of my body but pictures of the similarities of the scars that I carry. This has taken a lot for me to post this. In fact, it's truly stepping out of a comfort zone yet, it's needed. Why? Because in our world, we determine beauty based on flawlessness. Very seldom do we look at people with flaws or scars and say, "Oh how beautiful she or he is!" But, do you ever think about the scars on Jesus hands and feet? Can you imagine them as beautiful? Probably not. Scars are wounds that have healed but marks are left where the wound once was. (My own definition and not Webster's). I have scars unfortunately, on the outside. Ones that are very difficult to hide. They are hideous and I can literally tell you that I have cried out to God and asked, "Why me?" so many ti...

Creative Saturday - Amazing Artist

No, the amazing artist isn't me although I can always wish, right? I wasn't quite creative today unless grooming my puppies counts. In the meantime, while on another blog this past week (forgive me for not remembering who's blog), I was in awe of this artist's talent to a point that I couldn't take my eyes off of it the whole 8 minutes. She's amazing!! Did you have a creative Saturday?

Used Book Winners and Things I've Learned Thursday

I used to pick my two winners. The numbers chosen were #6 and #27. -- -- -- Congratulations to Mary (I'm not sure what her blog link is) for winning: Mudbound by Hillary Jordan and Congratulations to Erin of The Motherload for winning her choice of Suddenly or In a Perfect World - your choice since you've already read The Help. This means that The Help and whichever book is still isn't chosen by Erin will be one of those up for giveaway next month along with two other books as well. Thank you for participating. Winners...please drop me an email with your name and addresses. ----------------- Things I've Learned Thursday 1) Black eyed pea soup is mmmm, mmmm, good! 2) Guy athletes in winter sport competitions spit a lot. Why is that? 3) A chicken gizzard is a second stomach of sorts. Here it was I thought all this time, I was eating an "innocent" body part of a chicken but no...I'm now scarred for life. I don't know if I'll ever make gibl...

Alone in my Thoughts

Just a reminder, tomorrow two winners will be announced for the Used Book Giveway (post below this one). Leave a comment and you're automatically entered. ******************************** I have sat with my fingers poised on the keyboard trying to compose a blog post. It's not that I don't feel the creative spark but what is compelling me at the moment is my thoughts. I'm stuck in a reverie of sorts. A light bulb has turned on but it's quite dim. I'm not sure what it is that I'm seeking or desiring. I just know that there is something that my soul is longing for to a point of becoming a point of urgency. Maybe it's the feeling of the helplessness of being unemployed? Could be. I've never been unemployed for as long as I have. It frightens me. It worries me. I ride on waves of hope one moment and sheer disbelief the next. Maybe it's the uncertainty of where the unemployment will cause me to end up at. Will Boo and I remain here in a place that tog...

Used Book Giveaway

I'm still planning on hosting a book swap if I can wrap my mind around how to make it all work. But, in the meantime, I am hosting a Used Book Giveaway. I love to read a variety of books and most of them that I buy, are used. I have such a huge collection of books that I normally keep for re-reading but honestly, unless it is a really good book, I won't re-read it. There's too many other books on my "to read" list. So, I've decided in fulfilling my reading two books a month goal, I'll be giving two books a month, away. I have four books and out of the four, the first and second names that I pull will have an opportunity to choose a book out of the pile of four. The first one that responds to their name being called by commenting, will have first pick. The second name pulled will be able to choose from the three that are left. Here are the books: In a Perfect World by Laura Kasischke Editorial Review courtesy of Amazon: From Publishers Weekly Poet and novel...

Creative Saturday

In honor of Valentine's day, I stuck to my goal of making a card instead of buying one. Although, I will admit, I went to the card section of the store, saw the price and told myself, "You've got to be kidding! It's just red hearts and flowers! I can do that!" So I did. I also made a dump cake just for him but I know that he doesn't mind sharing so I'm going to sample it first just to be sure that it tastes good! This isn't my dump cake but this is what it looks like. What do you have planned for your Valentine? Will you be making a card or buying one? Did you have a creative Saturday?

Just in Time for Valentine's Day - Marriage Project - Book Review

Valentine's day is one of those days where you either get totally into and go all out for romance and igniting the passion or it is just another day where you exchange a card with a red heart and give or get a box of chocolates. (I'm definitely not complaining about the chocolates.) I had the pleasure of reviewing the book, The Marriage Project by Kathi Lipp and it is one of those books that I highly recommend for seasoned lovers who need a jump start again or brand new lovers who are looking for new adventures to keep the glow in their relationship. After I reviewed the book, I passed it along to my sister and her husband for their review as well. Her review says it all: Sometimes it takes the smallest and simplest things to stir up the embers and re-ignite the passions in a marriage. When I first read the synopsis of Kathi Lipp’s book, the Marriage Project, I was certain it was going to be just another manual on how-to improve your marriage. After reading through the first...

Things I've Learned Thursday

If you're a new follower to my blog, you'll discover that every Thursday, I share some of the things that I've learned throughout the week. Sometimes, it's musings from a long time ago or just random thoughts that seep out of my brain. So that I'm not alone in my sharing, I also ask this question, "What have you learned?" Please share!! 1) I over-analyze movies. After it is over, I have to give my opinion of why it was or wasn't good and what I would've changed had I been the one writing it. It's the creative thinker in me, I just can't help it. 2) Lap dogs are cute, cuddly and keep you warm. BUT, someone needs to tell my puppy Humble that he DOES NOT qualify as a lap dog. 3) One of my greatest fantasies revolves around chocolate. (No, nothing to do with romance). I want to spend one day working at a chocolate candy factory. 4) When I was a kid, my mom took a cake decorating class and had "homework" before each class. After awhile...

All it Takes is a Little Imagination

My daughters reminded me that I fit into the category of a mommy that loved when her kids used their imaginations. I applauded their creativity. I applauded when they wanted to go outside and play or play inside with toys and not watch tv or play video games. I wasn't the kind of mommy that didn't want them to get dirty. In fact, they had play clothes for that very reason. Being that our yard was a 1/2 an acre, there was plenty of dirt to stick to them. One day, they dug a hole and filled it up with water. Not knowing what they intended to do, I watched as they literally splashed around in it like little pigs. To them, the elation on their face let me know that they could care less what anyone else was FUN! Another time, as they "cooked" with their sticks and dandelion flowers, I gave them each an egg to complete their "recipe". The joy on their faces that I was willing to give them each an egg to "waste" I mean, crack was just pricele...

All I Need to Get By

One thing I learned from my mom years and years ago, was to shop for bargains, save money, clip coupons and don't be ashamed of homemade or second hand. Trust me, being a girl who wanted the real deal Holly Hobby dress but instead got a handmade original, I learned to be proud of what I wore and how I wore it. Since being unemployed (yes, the months drag on), I've learned some tricks to saving money. One of my goals for this year was to either buy used, on sale or as a markdown. You see, I also discovered that I have stuff that I really don't use or need. I have beautiful vintage bowls and art glass and figurines but when it comes down to it, I would almost hate to leave my daughters or Boo with the mess of what to do with it all when surely carnival glass isn't their "decorating scheme". So with that, I've decided to tighten the belt on a few things. 1) If I don't wear something within 6 months, out it goes. I can pick out quite a few blouses that I h...

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

That's probably my all time favorite saying and you know what? I totally believe it to be true. I have used this to do things that I never thought I'd ever do before. No, not bungee jumping or jumping out of a plane but doing things that I would've allowed fear to prevent from happening. There's another favorite of mine that comes from a song..."sometimes the thrill of soaring has to begin with the fear of falling". I have experienced many fears in my lifetime. As a kid, I was so afraid of the dark that I would wet the bed instead of getting up in the dark to go to the bathroom. I would wake my twin sister up to go with me to the bathroom. Even then, I'd be shaking as I walked through the darkness. As I got older, I feared not being accepted or pretty enough. I saw the kind of girls that guys were looking for and I failed to attract those guys so I feared always being alone. Also, as a teen, I feared driving. My sister and I had been rear ended by a drunk ...

Creative Saturday

Although I didn't have a very creative Saturday since I'm still trying to feel more like myself again, I've had a great opportunity to catch up on some book reading. My goal is to read two books a month and last month, I read 3 and so far, I've finished one and I'm on my way to finishing another. The first book I read in January was: I give it a 5 book rating. Set in the civil rights movement the story is told with three of the main characters, Skeeter, a budding journalist, who was raised affectionately by a Black maid, Aibileen, a Black maid who raised 17 white children as her own and Minny, a Black maid who often does things her own way and seldom holds back from reacting from off the cuff. In an era where Blacks were treated as unwanted strangers, a secret friendship forms between the three of them, as Skeeter sets out to write the Black maids stories. It is historical and passionate and real. It was one book that I didn't want to put down until I was finish...

Friday Follow

Here's how YOU can join the celebration: * * Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add to one blog linky. * * Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots. We will follow you back. * * Follow as many blogs as you like * * Comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow * * Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow The Blog Hop is the same at each of our three hosts blogs so you do not have to add your blog at each site. Just one - but you can follow each host blog. Here is the great part, we will follow you back.

Things I've Learned Thursday

I'm down but not least not too far gone that I can't tell you about the things I've learned. It's been a very interesting week. 1) I just found a new gross pet peeve. I was on the phone when the person that I was talking to announced, "Hold on, I have to spit." Ewwww. Seriously? Did you have to tell me that? Of course, I listened for the sound of him spitting too. Gross! 2) I discovered the new cheapskate...when a person moves out, go in to the empty house and take the shower door, the knobs off of cabinets, just plain ol' help yourself! I saw it for myself...a guy carrying a shower door back to his house from across the street. 3) I just can't bring myself to watch award shows anymore. I'm not sure if it's that it's no longer interesting to watch someone get up and make a drunk award acceptance speech or that I really don't care what someone is barely wearing on the red carpet. 4) Usually, when I have a craving something, it m...

I Surrender, I Surrender!!!

Lots is going on...some okay, some not so okay. Honestly, there are those days when I feel like throwing up the white flag and saying, "I Surrender!" I've got the "Snifflin, sneezing, I need to rest" crud. Don't worry though, I'm a good patient when I'm sick. I rarely complain unless I'm near unconsciousness! :) (Seriously, my daughters will attest to that one.) Just when I thought I was feeling a bit better, wham! I got ran over again...this time, it must've been by a little old lady in a scooter with germ cooties or something. What makes me feel good when I've got the not so feel good blues? Top Ramen or Cream of Chicken Soup and a new discovery that I now like quite a bit... Ginger Ale Green Tea It reminds me of when I was a little girl and my mom's "remedy" was lemon tea (boiled sliced lemons) and honey. At the slightest sniff or wheeze, we'd be sent to bed with the anticipation of drinking the tea "while it was...

Who are the people in your bloggerhood?

When I was a kid, I loved Sesame Street and this was one of my favorite portions of the show. But it also got me thinking...(which I do often)...who are the people in my bloggerhood? I feel like you all make up a good portion of my day, and yet, there are people in my bloggerhood that I don't really know. This is your opportunity to tell me something, ANYTHING about you...where you are from or what makes you laugh or cry or dance....why you are a part of my bloggerhood. Who are you?

What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?

What becomes of the broken hearted Who had love that's now departed? I know I've got to find Some kind of peace of mind Maybe. Not WILL!!! I have loved and moved on past the hurt of that love. Yet, watching my daughter deal with the anguish of a broken heart, I find that I don't have the right words to say to make it better. I no longer have the "solve it all" solution that Mommy usually has. I look back on when all I did was cry. I would hear a song on the radio and it would remind me of what used to be and I'd cry. I didn't think I could move past what I knew for 24 years. It was my familiar. But then, I was reminded that I wasn't only letting go of that love but I was mourning the loss of that love. As a way of healing, I wrote the poem below.... In Memory of Us Clutching a flower in my hand, I kneel before the headstone. Remembering those first words, "I love you!" Picturing the first time our eyes met. Facing reality that I ...