
Showing posts from January, 2010

Cough, Cough, Creative Saturday

Yep, I caught something. I seriously doubt it's anything serious but with my asthma, it usually takes a bit to shake it. So, today, I stayed in my pjs and kicked it hard. It's the first time I've done this in a long time and it actually was much needed. Because laying on the couch watching tv isn't very creative, I thought I'd tell you about a great site that has really sparked some enthusiasm for me to achieve my goals for this year. The goals that I have aren't the typical goals. Some of them are just reminders to get into the habit of things that I don't often do. Here's a peek.... 1) Wash my face every night before going to bed. 2) Practice the piano every day. 3) Read 2 books a month. 4) Draw or paint three times a week. 5) Work on re-writes for children's book. 6) Make a new recipe once a week. 7) Volunteer. 8) Drink 4 cups or more, water each day. To make the goals even more fun, my twin has also set simple goals too. We are tracking each othe...

Words Fail

I had the pleasure of interviewing Christian recording artist, Crystal Lewis a few years ago. We talked about one of the many albums she has recorded. One of the songs spoke of a family that had lost someone so very close to them. She said one profound statement, "Words fail". In fact, in one of her songs, she talks about how when you're at loss for the words to say, just sing. I'm usually not at loss for least, not often. But, today, I was. I had spent my Christmas with an outstanding couple. They had celebrated their 44 years of marriage together. They truly seemed like lovebirds. She completed him and he completed her. There was joy and laughter while in their presence. I thought to myself, "If only Boo and I make it to 44 years and still have such a love and trust and friendship...." Today, she told me that after 44 years, she was divorcing him. He had only been dishonest one time, 20 years ago, in their marriage and she let him know then that...

Things I've Learned Thursday

1) When Married Boo says that the chili she made and then gave me is HOT, it really IS hot. She thought that cayenne pepper was a good replacement for the chili powder the recipe called for. I swear my nasal passages are clear for the next 20 years. 2) If a kid puts his finger in his nose and Baby Boo copies him and puts her finger in her nose, I don't think that qualifies as imitation is flattery. 3) It is very hard for me to accept that my kids want to help me. I am stubborn and feel that it's my responsibility to take care of them and help them and not the other way around. I'm blessed that my kids and son in law included, have generous, giving spirits. 4) I am thoroughly irritated when I go to the grocery store and see people plucking grapes out of the package, opening up chips and cookies and leaving the wrappers behind. That is just SO WRONG!!! 5) There is a good time to go to the store and a bad time. I always choose the bad times, when there are 15 family members fr...

The Simple Things

Christina and her family are graciously giving a dollar for every list of simple things in life shared. The money will go towards Doctors without Borders. It's a wonderful contribution to not only the people in Haiti but others who have medical needs but can't afford to seek the necessary care. Please go over to C hristina's blog and enter your blog name and do this!! You won't regret it. Simple Things in Life Smelling freshly washed clothes Listening to the wind howl outside and knowing that I'm warm and indoors. Bananas and peanut butter Being lost in Boo's gorgeous green eyes Holding hands to pray before we eat our meals Being completely healthy without any asthma attacks since I am without medical insurance. A glass of wine and one of my favorite chick flicks Doodling on paper Watching the orange glow of the sun going down Making my dad laugh when I say something funny Baby Boo's hand in my hand Watching Grey's Anatomy and calling my twin sister on...

She's in Training

Never thought Baby Boo would love to cook as much as she does. I'm beginning to think though, that she's already correlated the fact that with cooking comes eating and that is one thing that she LOVES to do! I couldn't resist when I discovered that she was headed into chocolate oblivion, grabbing the camera and filming her in action. Today was another one of those days but there is always a silver lining in everything, I think. I am now sporting new glasses which definitely take some getting used to but I think I'll be alright!

Soggy and Sappy

Do you ever have those days where at the end of it, you feel so drained that you just want to cry? There's no exact reason for the tears, it just feels like it's something you feel like doing. Call it whacked out hormones, too much Starbucks coffee, a full day with the 2 1/2 year old asking Why and What, or just the fact that it's the right thing to do, but now that the little adorable Baby Boo is sound asleep, I am wiping tears. Actually, what started it was hearing the song, this song. It brought back memories of when watching the Mickey Mouse Club invoked feelings of warm fuzzies and just pure happiness. My sis and I would wait until the song was over and we'd re-enact the show all over again. No, we couldn't tap dance, but we did try to glue soda caps on the bottoms on our shoes and give it a try. We envisioned being the next Mouseketeers and that too never happened but it was so much fun trying. It also brought back memories of TV Boo crying every single time t...

Creative Saturday

After having a full week of rain here in Southern California, I couldn't wait to get outdoors and see what nature was out there, waiting to be discovered. The snow capped mountains are gorgeous! The best part of living here in the desert is that it's really a desert oasis...palm trees mixed in with sand and really, very few cacti. So, the beauty exists all year round but it's not always easy to enjoy when it's scorching hot out. I spent my Saturday taking pictures and with my daughters and Son In Boo. What better way to spend the day, right? I did include pictures of the inari that I made earlier in the week. Were you creative today?

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

Christella at Meandering Moody Memories has tagged me to list 10 things that make me happy. Not an easy goal because I have more things in my life that make me happy than things in my life that don't. You can play along if you'd like but being that I'm not one for playing the games by the rules, I won't be tagging anyone. So, here goes!! TEN THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY 1) Listening to a song over and over again because I either like the melody, the chords or the lyrics or just the ability to sing along. I have been known to hit replay at least 20 times (but only when I'm in the car alone). 2) Laughing and being silly with Boo, Baby Boo and my girls. I can enjoy coloring, play doh, building with Legos, watching cartoons, playing board games or baking cookies, as long as I'm in good company. I especially cherish the moments that I spend with my girls. They have become the greatest friends ever. 3) Walking on the beach. There is something so calming for me to be su...

Things I've Learned Thursday

1) When I drive and get frustrated by another driver I'll say, "Move it, honey." I always call the other driver, honey. I didn't realize how often I "talk" to the drivers until Baby Boo asked, "Why you say honey, Momo?" I tried to explain to her that it was just a nice way of asking the other driver to move. (I don't think she bought that one for a minute!) 2) I've worn contacts since I was 12 and after losing my right lens, I'm back to wearing glasses. This is hard, really hard for me. I've always hated wearing glasses because my vision is pretty bad. What didn't help was the optical rep looking at my prescription and saying, "ooooo, not good. Not good at all! Oh, you've got such horrible vision." Thanks for making me feel better! 3) I made a bowl of popcorn for me and a bowl for the dogs. I even added seasoning to theirs because they won't eat it if it doesn't have butter on it. By the way, I found out, t...

Lifeboat, continued

"I" was in shock. "H" used to joke with me and tell me that God took him all the way to Korea to find a wife. His wife didn't know or want to live without "H". After the memorial service, there were whispers in the gym. "What is she going to do?" Yet, nobody asked her, "What can I do?" Except me. I thought about how "H" seemed to have a premonition that he wasn't going to be here much longer. He would come into the gym and see "I" and I laughing and talking together and he'd leave us alone, giggling like school girls. Little did I know that "I" would have deep faith in God yet want to curse "H" for leaving her alone. Many times, she looked up at the sky and yelled, "Why you leave me? I hate you!" Then, she'd cry. She decided that she was going to do nothing. Not eat, not sleep, not drink water. The only thing she managed to barely do was to drive her daughter to the gym. ...

Lifeboat, anyone?

Do you have people in your life that you know you can depend on if something terribly went wrong? The story I'm about to tell you is the story of faith, friendship and what happens when life hands you the unexpected. I promise that although this will be long, I will make it into shortened version. I have gained so much love, joy and wisdom from people who's lives have crossed my path. I know for certain that every person who I meet has a purpose, whether for me to touch them or for them to touch me. In this case, I was undoubtedly touched. TV Boo trained at a U.S. gymnastics training center, known for bringing Olympic dreams to life. Being in the gym while she trained, I had nothing to do but read, write or chat with the parents around me. One of the dads, H, was Korean but American born. He and his wife drove quite a distance for their daughter to train as an Olympic hopeful. Six hours a day, 6 days a week, they were there. H was a friendly, proud, humorous dad who never showe...

Is Your Dream the Same Dream as His

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. Although those words were spoken so many years ago, they still ring true. I was born in 1963, when segregation still existed but I rarely remember it as my parents would. My parents taught me to love me for who I am. Not to wish that I was someone that I wasn't and to love all mankind. Yet, when I was old enough, I didn't understand why all mankind didn't love me back. While walking from the school bus stop, a group of white kids opened a fire hydrant and sprayed my sister and I, yelling the N word. I remember how my sister and I walked home, drenched and feeling defeated. I also remember a time where on a field trip to a school classmate's ranch, the mother asked her daughter to tell my sister and I to sit on the floor. She didn't want us sitting on the couch with the rest of ...

Creative Saturday

I didn't have a creative spark today. In fact, I found that I was feeling a bit melancholy so at the last minute, I decided to make clam chowder for dinner. Even that turned out "just okay". I need to learn that when I'm just not feeling "creative" to give in and not force it. Lesson learned. Did you have a creative Saturday?

A Trip to the Asian Market

I was so amazed to find out that Shauna is giving away a Sony Reader Pocket Edition on her Book Giveaway blog. This is a chance in the lifetime to win. I have never been in the position to afford an e-reader but to have the chance at least, is well worth it. You can access up to 350 of your favorite books, anywhere. Being the reader that I am, this would be the perfect addition for me. The giveaway ends on January 26, 2010 so head over there and enter. *************************************************** One of my goals for this year is to make a new recipe each week. I'm excited about the challenge because, I am a cookbook hoarder. This is actually not a photo of my cookbooks because mine are scattered everywhere in not so nice piles. I decided to make inari sushi for Boo since he ranted and raved over it a few weeks ago. I went to the Asian market here and totally was mesmerized browsing down the aisles. My only regret was that there weren't any samples of everything available...

Things I've Learned Thursday

1) It's important to teach kids about human kindness in the midst of suffering in ways that they can understand. It's never too early to start. Recently, I began to talk to Baby Boo about kids that have mommies and daddies that can't always buy them shoes or clothes because it cost a lot of money. I explained to her that sometimes they need someone to help. With that came the lesson of donating money in the childhelp rescue fund. 2) When it feels like the rug is being pulled out from underneath me once again, I have the choice to curl up in a fetal position or get to a place of quiet and calm and pray and think things through. He does make a way out of what seems like the impossible...I just need to be still and hear His voice. 3) Peer pressure starts at even the age of two and three. Baby Boo was working on a coloring activity at the library preschool time when the kid next to her (3 1/2) tell his mommy, "That girl isn't doing it right. She's supposed to color...

Those Were The Days....

When colors didn't necessarily have to go together to be considered fashionable. When holding hands with my sister was the norm, no matter the age. When hairstyles "made the outfit". When pin the tail on the donkey was a popular game to play at the party. Where my twin sis and I shared a birthday cake, birthday presents and pretty much shared everything together. And you know what? We didn't mind sharing. When punch bowls were the rage instead of juice boxes and sodas. When we were little, we very rarely were allowed to drink "pop" and if we did get the privilege, it was shared, one "pop" between us. When every guest was thanked individually for coming and also for their gift. The joy of the party was in being another year old. My sister and I were always shy so when it came time for them to sing Happy Birthday to us, we almost dreaded it. Being the center of attention wasn't our style! When plastic on sofa cushions was "in". When you...

Moaning Monday

Some of you are already experiencing Tuesday but for two more hours, it is Monday so I can moan and whine all I want. Today is one of those days where I can seriously tell myself, I'm too old for this! This is the recap of the day: Dirty contact lens taken out to clean, went down the drain Baby Boo peed in her pants not once, not twice but three times today. Bribing her with Princess Tianna fruit snacks DID NOT work. Went to Sam's Club praying that I could get fitted for another pair of contacts. Result: Sam Club is closing in my area because they haven't made enough money to remain open. End result: Still wearing dorky thick glasses Came home to two year old gloating that she "had meat" while I was gone because "Daddy gave it to me". Sidenote...Baby Boo doesn't go nuts over candy or sweets but meat. She can eat meat for days. She could probably eat a whole cow in one sitting. The other day, she ate all of the meat out of a lunchable, begged for mine...

Creative Saturday

Below are the things I was able to spend time being creative with. I made small goals...unlike resolutions...these small goals are easily achieved. One of them was to practice my piano daily or at least three times a week, draw daily and create a new recipe once a week. Two out of three isn't too bad because the cookies aren't from a new recipe, in fact, they are from the refrigerated section of the store, but I did achieve the other two for today. Yesterday, I started feeling antsy. Sometimes when I feel that way, I discover that I need a change of scenery or that I have pent up energy that needs to be re-directed. So, today, I noticed a peace and calmness as I created and I breathed a sigh of thanks to God for showing me that I needed to be still. How was your creative Saturday?

Things I've Learned Thursday

It's Thursday again...if you've learned something...don't forget to share it! 1) I’m ashamed to admit it but I lie to my dogs. When I want them to eat their food, I tell them that it looks absolutely delicious! This morning I said, “Look guys, this morning you have stew! Yummy!” 2) I am so loving my Grey’s Anatomy Wii game. What better way to do surgery without getting my hands dirty. Now, if only I could figure out how to make money while playing it. 3) I have avoidance issues…I have a few things that I need to do but I am chicken. I know that I need to get fitted for bras that fit. My girls are “screaming” and I can’t wait to wiggle out of them before the day is over. But, the thought of being measured….sends me sweating. I also hate, hate, avoid, did I say, hate…balancing my checkbook. I already know that the funds are low so why see it in writing? 4) My dogs are co-dependent. They will starve u...

I Get That A lot

When I was little, being an identical twin, I always heard, "You look just alike". When we got older, we automatically assumed that we didn't look as identical. (Actually, we really don't...she's the skinny twin :) Yet, we get stared at quite often. In spite of having a twin, I have had people come up to me and say, "You know who you look like?" Let's see...I've been told I look like Clair Huxtable, Wanda Sykes, and one of the cashiers from the grocery store. In fact, many times, I've had conversations with people who say, "Girl, I haven't seen you in a long time! Where you been?" My reply? "I'm not sure who you think I am but I'm not her." Then, they'd reply, "You look JUST like her!" One day, I had someone come up to me and punch me in the arm. (It hurt too.) She said, "So, don't say hi!" I looked at her and said, "Hi??" (Interpretation...I have no clue who you are.) Her ...

It's no mistake!

How often do you hear or say, "Oops, I made a mistake!"? I am queen of mistakes. Most of the time, I try to rectify them before they get too far gone but then again, sometimes, they are not to be corrected. I look back on my marriage of 21 years. When I found out that it was over, I tried to figure out where the mistake was made. How come I couldn't figure out what lie I ahead over 21 years before so I wouldn't have even headed in the direction that I did in the first place? Then, I was reminded that without the 21 years, my beautiful daughters would have never been brought to my life. So, there is something beautiful that comes from what can often be viewed as a mistake. I made another mistake the other day. Boo loves German Chocolate Cake. The REAL type of German Chocolate from scratch. Well, in a hurry to get it in the oven before Baby Boo discovered I was baking without her help, I forgot to put the whipped egg whites in the batter. I tried to figure out why I onl...

Creative Saturday - Vlog - Iseatha Light

Before you watch the following vlog, please note that this was all done in fun and of course, because of a challenge that TV Boo gave to me. The challenge was that if I was able to do a news report on someone struck by lightening and still maintaining a "professional" face, she would totally consider showing my news report to the news station. Now, there's a challenge that I couldn't refuse. So, here you have it.... In Commemoration of Iseatha Light (by the way, totally fictitious.)

Wow, 2010!

Doesn't that sound futuristic? I mean, coming from a girl that was born in 1963, it sounds surreal. Before the clock struck 12 this morning, I couldn't stop smiling. There's something to be said about seeing in the new year, especially with Boo. He works nights so I reminded him that I really wanted him to be home before 12 so that we could bring in the New Year together and he made it happen. He was home at 11:51. We ran outside and gazed at the mountains that are close enough to touch (almost) behind our house and there, glowing in what I call "alien green" were the words Happy New Year at the highest peak of the mountain. We kissed under the moonlight while gazing up at the words. I ran to get my camera and each picture that I took, the words never showed up. Boo told me that he would take a picture of it in the morning but by this morning, the words were gone. I am beginning to wonder if those words were meant for just our eyes only. There is no explanation as...